Tickets for NLP Praktik Sofia

NLP Bulgaria, Bulgaria, Sofia

NLP Praktik Sofia


Start: 2025-03-13 10:00


NLP Bulgaria, Bulgaria, Sofia

For the event

This is an exciting experience in learning new approaches and strategies for yourself and others... Perhaps the beginning of a journey to new professional horizons...


• Do you want to define and achieve your goals?

• Do you want to be able to control any situation, regardless of the difficulties you face?

• Do you want to quickly understand your interlocutor or organization?

• Do you want your ideas to be accepted with ease?

• Do you want to use hypnosis when communicating?

• Do you want to motivate yourself and be able to motivate others?


This course is designed for people who want to learn good techniques and methods and apply them in communicating at work, with family and friends, with children, with clients or to have fun with themselves and others...


NLP PRACTICE, developed by NLP BULGARIA, is the first level of specialization in Neuro-linguistic Programming, certified by Richard Bandler and the NLP Society.


After the course you will be able to...

• Understand people and organizations;

• Develop achievable goals and achieve them;

• Meet each problem with a specific solution;

• Test results and measure standards;

• Know hypnotic pathways;

• Be proactive and use what you have learned to solve future complex situations;

• Discover and imitate the strategies of others.


Our goal is to provide you with the latest developments in the development of this science by exchanging experience with institutes from other countries belonging to the NLP Society.


In order for you to immediately apply the techniques in your personal and professional life, the course is based on practical activities.


Duration – 8 days / in 2 weeks of 4 days


Date of holding: March 13-16 and 20-23, 2025


*International certificate from the NLP Society of Dr. Richard Bandler, Orlando, USA.


BILET BG Ltd. is not the organizer of this event. The organizer of the event assigns Bilet BG Ltd. the distribution and sale of passes for the respective event, and when distributing passes Bilet BG Ltd. sells on behalf and for the account of the respective Organizer. Bilet BG Ltd. is not responsible for the organization of the event and / or its conduct.


Ticket BG Ltd. is not the organizer of this event. The organizer has hired Ticket BG Ltd. and our website with regards to the distribution of tickets and cash collection. Ticket BG is selling tickets on behalf and accounted for the event organizer . Ticket BG's responsibility is restricted strictly to the delivery of this ticket to you and can't be held accountable for ANY problems related with the organization


Event Organizer / Promoter : NLP Bulgaria LTD /NLP Bulgaria LTD
