Tickets for Fractal Food Space

Cosmos resturant, Bulgaria, Sofia

Fractal Food Space


Start: 2020-03-26 20:30


Cosmos resturant, Bulgaria, Sofia

For the event

Ritual Gatherings presents TASTE - the third of the five elements comprising the festival’s philosophy. TASTE reveals the focus Ritual Gatherings puts on food and the impact it has on our lives. Fractal Food Space is a social dining experiment, organized together with Cosmos Restaurant, that will present 7 aspects of the interrelation between humans and food, that we all experience on a daily basis.

The connection between humans and food is as old as the world. Our dependence on it is multilayered - from the instinct for survival, to the highest forms of self-expression, interweaving large-scale ecological relationships between human beings and planet Earth.

Fractal Food Space examines the impact of food on humans in a special sensory dinner that will explore 7 dimensions of this interconnection in a 7-step emotionally rich menu. Through an interactive and experimental approach, Ritual Gatherings and Cosmos will invite their guests to become active participants in the experiment and experience each of the 7 dimensions. 

Why do we use the word fractal? Because it represents a recurring model in which the same configuration and interconnection exists throughout the structure - both on the macro level as on the micro level at each individual synaps of it. In the context of food and human beings, this illustrates that the relationships, effects and experiences of the individual are the same for the group, for the society and for the whole human race. The fundamental properties of fractal models are repetitiveness and self-similarity.  


For the hosts: 

Cosmos resturant is a social place where traditions and people transform themselves in search of new worlds.

Ritual Gatherings is an interdisciplinary cultural initiative that combines nature, music, culinary, rituals and art. The project uncovers the deep connection of man with these 5 elements and builds new links between people, while promoting self-knowledge and togetherness.


Date: 03/26/2020

Time: 20:30 

Location: Space 

Price: 177.77лв. 

Phone number for reservations and questions: 0888200700 

Each guest will be seated at a table with others unfamiliar with whom they will share their dinner as part of the challenge of the experimental evening. 

IMPORTANT: If you are sensitive or intolerant of certain foods, please let us know when making reservations for dinner. Thank you!


Music: w/ The Foreigners

After dinner drinks: Cosmos 

Set time: 23:00 – 01:00
