Start: 2024-10-31 17:30
Ботаническа градина на БАН, България, София
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Children up to 18 years / Pupils and students / Weekend
17.00 {"key":"currency"}23.00 {"key":"currency"}26.09%
Discount is valid until: 07.01.2025г.
Weekend prices are valid from Friday to Sunday! Preferential ticket prices apply to children and students between 2 and 18 years old, and students up to twenty-six years old on presentation of a document
Adult Weekend
19.00 {"key":"currency"}26.00 {"key":"currency"}26.92%
Discount is valid until: 07.01.2025г.
Weekend prices are valid from Friday to Sunday!
Family(2adults, 2children) Weekend
66.00 {"key":"currency"}88.00 {"key":"currency"}25.00%
Discount is valid until: 07.01.2025г.
Weekend prices are valid from Friday to Sunday! The ticket is valid for two adults and two children from 2 to 18 years old.
ДЕЦА ДО 18 ГОДИНИ / Ученици и студенти /Пенсионери Седмичен
14.00 {"key":"currency"}19.00 {"key":"currency"}26.32%
Discount is valid until: 07.01.2025г.
*Намален билет за деца и ученици от 2 до 18 години, студенти (с валидна ISIC карта), пенсионери и посетители с под 50% ТЕЛК (с представяне на валиден документ на касата). Безплатен вход за деца под 2 години и за посетители с 50% и над 50% ТЕЛК (с предс
Adult Weekly
17.00 {"key":"currency"}23.00 {"key":"currency"}26.09%
Discount is valid until: 07.01.2025г.
Weekend prices are valid from Tuesday - Thursday!
Family (2 Adults 2 children) Weekly
56.00 {"key":"currency"}75.00 {"key":"currency"}25.33%
Discount is valid until: 07.01.2025г.
The ticket is valid for two adults and two children from 2 to 18 years old.