Start: 2025-07-05 09:00
To Be Announced Sofia, Bulgaria, Narodno sabranie square
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Tier 2 as part of a team of 10+
Standard:105.00 {"key":"currency"}
REFUNDABLE:115.00 {"key":"currency"}
DONATION TICKETS 1st Three Minutes Foundation:125.00 {"key":"currency"}
this ticket grants participation to 1 person as part of a team of 10 +
Tier 2 - Individual or small teams
Standard:115.00 {"key":"currency"}
REFUNDABLE:125.00 {"key":"currency"}
DONATION TICKETS 1st Three minutes:135.00 {"key":"currency"}
this ticket grants participation to 1 person individually or as part of a team of up to 9 people
Price Category Exhausted.
70.00 {"key":"currency"}