Билети за Simple Spaces pres. Andrey Pushkarev

ул. Индустриална 1, София, България, София

Simple Spaces pres. Andrey Pushkarev


Начало: 2024-05-24 12:00


ул. Индустриална 1, София, България, София

За събитието

On the 24th of May we get together for another daytime celebration!

This time around we have invited Andrey Pushkarev for an extended set. Born and raised in Russia, Andrey made his way to the worldwide underground scene by collecting and successfully playing vinyl records for over 25 years. He is now a much celebrated artist for his unique blend of deep house and techno.

Along with Andrey, we have another debut behind our decks - Stephan Panev, a local well-known sonic mesmeriser. Warm-up duties will be handled by our very own Factor.


This is a daytime event starting at 15:00 at a secret location in the city center. We can say one thing about the place - it is crazy good and just crying for a proper party... 


Stay tuned for more info soon.