Клуб Studio 5, България, София
Начало: 2018-04-04 18:30
Клуб Studio 5, България, София
СТУДИО 5 е духовно чисто, отворено и независимо пространство за представяне на културни събития: концерти, театрални и танцови спектакли; литературни, художествени и всякакви артпрояви; срещи, дебати, промоции, премиери; празнични, фирмени, лични и развле
“Embryo – they are these crazy creative musicians playing really great stuff” Miles Davis
Maasl Maier / bass, irish bouzouki, marimba
Jakob Thun / drums, percussion
Wolfi Schlick / sax, flute
Sascha Lüer / sax, trumpet
Louis Bankavs/ guitar
Marja Burchard / vibraphone, marimba, trumbone, keyboard
Formed in 1969 in Germany by Christian Burchard, Edgar Hofman and Lothar Meid. One of the most original and innovative Krautrock bands, Embryo is fusing traditional music with their own jazzy space rock style. They played with the great Jazzpianist Mal Waldron, saxophone player Charlie Mariano, world star Trilok Gurtu and many others.
Because of Christian Burchard's health Problem the new Generation is taking over: Christian Burchard´s daughter: Marja, born 1985,who grew up with the Band, is leading Embryo since 2016 and is bringing new Energy with the same Spirit.
Jazz, Rock, Ethno Melodies and Rhythms are fusing into a new Sound never heard before. It s pure music.
Also with the new Generation Embryo keeps flowing on and on.
Във връзка с Българското председателство на Съвета на Европейския съюз, до юли месец Studio 5 * music club ще има нов вход от 01.01.2018 година - "Вход А4" на НДК, а достъпът до паркинга на НДК ще бъде ограничен!